Year 5-6 EveryBODY Education Program – Enquiry

SHV has designed comprehensive Relationships & Sexuality Education programs which align with the Victorian and Australian Curriculum. Sensitive topics are covered using age-appropriate materials and language. Programs are delivered by experienced, trained SHV educators. Sessions will include information, activities, discussion and an opportunity for students to ask questions.


Year 5 - 6 everyBODY Education programs

Standard and Extension programs consist of sequential 90-minute sessions. Expert SHV educators deliver them to classes no larger than 27 students. Key themes of these programs are Protective behaviours, Consent, Help-seeking, Sexual and reproductive anatomy, Diversity, Puberty, Reproduction, and Relationships.

It is recommended that schools additionally include the 90 minute everyBODY Education Socialising Online session. Socialising Online includes: Sexual content online, Ethical and legal decision making, Sexting, Pornography, Grooming.

SHV strongly encourages schools to deliver a whole school approach to Relationships and sexuality Education. We suggest booking professional development and a parent session to support these sessions.

Ask about these in your enquiry.

Course Overview

Year 5 -6 Standard program Course Outline

Session 1: Anatomy and puberty changes for reproduction
• Explore body safety
• Identify sexual and reproductive organs
• Introduction to puberty
• Periods and period management
• Sperm production
Session 2: Reproduction
• Conception (including IVF)
• Pregnancy
• Birth
• Sexual Consent
Session 3: Puberty, and help-seeking
• Clarify understanding of anatomy, puberty & conception.
• Identify the many changes that are likely to occur during puberty
• Discuss help-seeking and managing moods
Session 4 (Recommended): Socialising Online
• Examine the ways in which young people use online platforms to socialise
• Explore ethical and legal considerations around socialising online, including; social media, sharing sexual images and pornography
• Identify the possibility of experiencing sexual content online
• Understand how to report illegal or unethical behaviour online.

Note: eLearning delivery option: School staff can be upskilled to deliver this program using SHV's eLearning platform. Staff will receive 1hr live online training and be provided with all the resources to deliver the program. Teach the year 5/6 EveryBODY Education Program
If the standard program has been completed by a cohort, we recommend delivering the extension program.

Year 6 Extension Program. Course Outline

Session 1: Anatomy and Puberty review
• Anatomy revision
• Puberty revision
• Periods and period products
• Sperm production
Session 2: Sex and Reproduction
• Understanding sex as part of an adult relationship
• Consent
• Conception (including IVF and surrogacy)
• Pregnancy
• Birth
Session 3: Relationships
• Identifying healthy relationships
• Discussing intimacy in friendships and relationships
• Understanding online interactions
• Help-seeking